Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wirtschaft und Schule (AWS)

Wir bringen die Wirtschaft in die Schule.

Wir statten Schülerinnen und Schüler mit wirtschaftlicher Handlungskompetenz aus und fördern eine positive Grundeinstellung zur Wirtschaft.

Dazu bieten wir kompakte Unterrichtsmaterialien mit Sachinformation und Didaktik zu aktuellen Themen.

  • ibw-forschungsbericht_c194


    Work-Based Learning and Cooperation between Schools and Companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina

    ibw-Forschungsbericht Nr. 194, Wien, 2018
    Schmid K., Gruber B.

    Company Survey Findings and Resulting Courses of Action/Reform Options
    For WBL to be a backbone of IVET, companies must participate in it, ie train young people/students. Therefore it is of central interest why some companies train – yet, a lot of them not. An online company-survey was conducted to shed light to the training decisions of enterprises. In combination with results from various round-table discussion with policy stakeholders, companies and VET-schools, policy recommendations to foster WBL have been derived.
