Tertiary education

ibw draws up studies, analyses and evaluations of higher education and higher VET. With this we create a broad information basis for actors in the tertiary education sector.

Our areas of expertise:

  • analyses related to higher VET
  • studies of education trends and labour market prospects
  • needs, acceptance and coherence studies
  • support in quality assurance processes
  • leitfaden_sme_master_plus_guidelines_de-1


    Leitfaden, Berlin, 2009
    Sperle C., Tritscher-Archan S., Weger S., Aslaksrud Kristiansen R.

    Erprobung des Europäischen Leistungspunktesystems für die Berufsbildung (ECVET) am Beispiel der Meisterqualifikation.

  • leitfaden_sme_master_plus_guidelines_en-1


    Guidelines, Berlin, 2009
    Sperle C., Tritscher-Archan S., Weger S., Aslaksrud Kristiansen R.

    Testing the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) in the context of the Master Craftsperson Qualification.

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