
ibw draws up reports and analyses at the interfaces between education and training, skill needs of businesses and qualifications.

ibw’s research work covers a wide gamut of topics and ranges from analyses of dual VET, school-based and tertiary education and labour market analyses onto continuing vocational education and training (CVET).

In our research library you will find well-founded data, studies and background analyses conducted by ibw at the interface between education, business and qualification. Most of our ibw studies have a national and sometimes also regional focus. On account of the increasingly strong international perspective due to the EU’s education policy and OECD’s comparisons of systems, however, there is also growing international demand for ibw’s expertise. ibw has been a partner or coordinator of a large number of EU projects for many years. In addition, ibw is a cooperation partner of the EU’s Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop).

  • ibw-forschungsbericht_c180

    Lehrlingsausbildung im Überblick 2014

    Strukturdaten, Trends und Perspektiven

    ibw-Forschungsbericht Nr. 180, Wien, 2014
    Dornmayr H., Nowak S.

    Die seit dem Jahr 2000 jährlich erscheinende (von BMWFW und WKÖ geförderte) ibw-Publikation „Lehrlingsausbildung im Überblick“ zeigt einen aktuellen Querschnitt über die Lehrlingsausbildung in Österreich. Neben den vielfältigen Erfolgen und Stärken der Lehrlingsausbildung (z.B. bei der Verringerung der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit, den Einstiegseinkommen oder der Förderung von selbständiger Erwerbstätigkeit) werden auch aktuelle Problemlagen illustriert: Insbesonders der vor allem demographisch bedingte starke Rückgang an Lehrlingen und Lehrbetrieben gibt Anlass zur Sorge betreffend die Sicherung des zukünftigen Fachkräftebedarfs in Österreich.


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    The ibw “Survey of Apprenticeship Training” study, which has been published every year since 2000 (with funding provided by the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy BMWFW and the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber WKÖ), provides an overview of the current Situation of apprenticeship training in Austria. As well as the varied successes and strengths of apprenticeship training (such as the reduction of youth unemployment, entry-level incomes or encouragement of selfemployment), current problems are also illustrated: The strong decline in the number of apprentices and training companies (which is mainly due to demographic reasons) in particular gives rise to concern about how to guarantee the future demand for skilled workers in Austria.

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