Research and Development at the Interfaces between Education and Training, Skill Needs of Businesses and Qualifications

Our services for companies, trainers and apprentices

Our services for companies, trainers and apprentices

Learning materials to prepare for the apprenticeship-leave exam

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Our services for companies, trainers and apprentices


Support for selecting your staff and apprentices

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Our services for companies, trainers and apprentices

Training guidelines and training documentation

Manuals for company-based training

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Our services for companies, trainers and apprentices

State prize “Fit for Future - Best training companies”

Award for the best training companies in Austria

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Our services for companies, trainers and apprentices

Newsletter Qualität in der Lehre

4 times a year - information about teaching

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Our services in quality assurance

Our services in quality assurance

Development of apprenticeships

Development and revision of apprenticeships

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Our services in quality assurance

Clearing office for the apprenticeship-leave exam

Quality assurance of assignments of the apprenticeship-leave exam

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Our services in quality assurance

Master craftsperson/proof of competence exams

Preparation of master craftsperson and proof of competence exams

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Our services in quality assurance

NQF service unit

Submission of allocation requests for non-formal qualifications

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Our services in quality assurance

AustrianSkills / EuroSkills / WorldSkills

Vocational skills competition in Austria and internationally

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Our services in quality assurance

Seal of approval for CVET in the insurance sector

Are you interested in being awarded a seal of approval?

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Our research

Our research

Newsletter ibw.aktuell

Information on all aspects of economic research

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Our services in vocational orientation

Our services in vocational orientation

Career information brochures

Materials and brochures for educational and career information

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Our services in vocational orientation

Career information newsletter

Summarized results from the research of the ibw

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Our services for schools

Our services for schools

AWS Arbeits­gemeinschaft Wirtschaft und Schule

Teaching materials for educators

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Our services for schools

Newsletter Career information

6 times a year - the Newsletter Career information

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